HAPPY 4th of July! I love this holiday. What a great opportunity to be with friends and family to celebrate our national birthday. Hope your day was full of fireworks and sparkle.
We love what we do. I am so thankful for 5 years of teaching new business owners how to stage and redesign homes across America . We have de-cluttered thousands of over-pillowed and under-decorated homes everywhere. We have thrown out thousands of “dead” silk ivy plants and dust-caked ficus trees. We have beautified personality-starved, lifeless homes and added color plus style back to neutral, beige America . We have earned our cape and super-hero status.
When I started, many well-meaning voices suggested that it was probably a fad and not worth the investment of time and money... certainly not worth leaving a thriving interior design job that I loved. But they were all wrong.
You must learn to fight for your dream and not let the voices of discouragement defeat you before you even start.
When I started in Interior Design many years ago, one of my co-workers, a super-star, prima-donna designer told me that I was not cut out for this business. I obviously felt a wave of fear and doubt. As it turned out, I was inspired to prove her wrong. My long commute gave me an opportunity to listen to CD’s on success.
Business owners all need to fill their spare time reading and listening to motivational media. Some of my favorites:
Brian Tracey
Zig ZiglarJim Roan
Les Brown
Joel Osteen
John Maxwell
I will end by saying how much I appreciate all of you who faithfully read my newsletters and love the business of Staging, Redesign and personal motivation. I salute all those working in this wonderful industry. I still keep pinching myself when I wake up in the morning… a wonderful family, many great friends and I get paid for doing something that I love.