~A little inspiration for anyone interested in Home Staging, Interior Redesign and Personal Motivation~ www.stagehappy.com website

Thursday, January 26, 2012

ASID Designers Opportunities

ASID members,

How very nice to meet so many of my colleagues in design. 40 turned out for the event. Thank you for joining us Thursday night for a short presentation on Real Estate Staging. Also, thank you for signing up for more info about a special class for design professionals.

E-mail for special designer pricing on our Online Certification Class.   
One more thing... you may be interested in our April 6th and 7th, Advanced 2-day Class with many guest speakers for $275. Details are on the previous blog post.

Friday, January 13, 2012

2012 EVENTS & Convention News

"THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME STAGING" Convention in Jacksonville, Florida
Hosted by Transformations Staging School

Be sure to mark your calendars for June 8th and 9th. Follow the Yellow Brick Road to our Advanced Staging Convention here in Jacksonville at Queens Harbour Yacht and Country Club. Queens Harbour is located on the intracoastal waterway a few minutes from the ocean.

It will be a continuing education opportunity for any veteran stagers or redesigners and home stylists. Anyone interested in staging is welcome but the focus is on new trends, marketing, extra streams of income. We will feature guest speakers in the fields of organizing, website creation, social media, architectural photography, time management and more. You will be able to get a new professional headshot for your website, etc. A lot of bang for your buck.

Friday night, weather permitting, we will caravan to the beach for dinner and pictures, and hopefully, get our feet in the sand.

It will cost $200 and includes gourmet lunches and snacks. There will be many goodies and a drawing for the Grand Prize.
Our hotel is Somewhere Over the Rainbow at the Hampton Inn Suites at 13733 Beach Blvd. Jax, Fl. 32224, phone 904-223-0222. They have a free shuttle to the class. Get a reservation ASAP. $100 deposit will reserve your space at the convention. Contact me w/ your CCard number. 904-945-0093

This class is half-filled already!!!

If I Only Had a Brain, I'd be skipping on over to the Emerald City to join the fun. becky@beckyharmon.com