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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Advanced Class Recordings

Great news! The Advanced Class held in June at the Queens Harbour Yacht and Country Club was a hit. Yay! The recordings will be ready by the first week of August. If you could not make it to this special class, the class will come to you. Yay!

There are only 25 sets in the first batch of duplications, so get your order in ASAP. There is more info on the class in the 2 previous  blog posts.

Here is the list of speakers and topics:
Wally Sears - Professional Room Photography DVD video
Mary Habres - Marketing, Fishing for Clients CD audio
Jerry Busche - Website SEO CD audio
Becky Harmon - Maintaining Customer Loyalty CD audio
Donna Mancini - Social Media CD audio
Cyndi Rice - Habits, Speaking and Inspiration 2 CDs audio

The DVD was not filmed from a tripod so the quality is not the best . But because the content is so essential, you still need to see and get this wonderful information. We are adding the DVD free of charge if you buy the complete set. Click on the arrow if you want individual recordings. All are money-back guaranteed. These prices will go up 30% after our promotion.

$60 ($105 value) for the 7 products in a set. $15 each if ordered individually.

Here are 3 short videos of class attendees on the top of the website testimonial page.  http://www.transform-us.com/testimonials.htm 

Recording Choices