~A little inspiration for anyone interested in Home Staging, Interior Redesign and Personal Motivation~ www.stagehappy.com website

Monday, July 6, 2015

Flying Off the Shelves

Have you heard? Homes are selling like hot cakes. Consequently, we should all be busier, right? The answer is ... yes... if you have positioned yourself as the "go-to" person for home staging for your area.

What strategies can place you at the top of your industry?

At the Real Estate Staging Association convention awhile ago, several of the best speakers mentioned the same book. It was the short, but powerful Purple Cow.

The essence of the book tells us to simply, "Be Remarkable." Just being the "best, the biggest, the smartest" isn't enough anymore. Yes, you should be those things but also be outrageously unique.

Southwest Airlines is an example of being remarkable.  They go out of their way to make air travel fun... funny preflight instructions, for example, and their antics at the airport check-in counter are noteworthy. The SW employees took part in an April Fool's joke on all the travelers at the Dallas terminal on April 1st.  It's hard not to notice them.
Steve Jobs is the best example of this concept. Everything he presented to the world was not only remarkable, it's  hard not to notice what he contributed to the tech world. He created demand for things we didn't know we needed. We all became "raving fans." He truly was one of the most remarkable people in the last decade in the world of innovation.

Cirque do Soleil reinvented the circus. They took a fading industry and transformed it. They eliminated the costly animal acts and then added a sense of theater... outlandish, beautiful costumes and drama... to the best of the standard circus acts. They created demand for something unknown to us 15 years ago. If you have ever been to a performance, you will agree that they are remarkable.

Home staging as an industry is in the process of creating a permanent place for itself in the real estate process. Its value is becoming more evident as time passes. The demand is increasing as the word gets out.

How can you stand out as a competitor in the marketplace? What do you need to do to have your own "raving fans." 

One of Transformations grads who has come to my attention lately is Becky Robbins from St. Louis. Her website is gorgeous. www.beckyrobbinsdesigns.com Check out her amazing website. She just put up a great, out-of-the-box video that was locally produced by the company who created her website. 
Becky, you are remarkable!

RESA Meeting News
Social Media Marketing Strategist, Mary Habres, will let you in on a few secrets she has learned which will make your social media marketing more effective.  You don't want to miss this presentation! 

Location:     Southeast Branch of Jax Public Library - Meeting Room B
                     10599 Deerwood Park Blvd.
                     Jacksonville, Florida 32256
Date:            Friday, July 10, 2015
Time:           10:15 am - 11:45 am
Topics:         The Secrets of Successful Social Media Marketing

  • Should your business be on social media sites?
  • Which sites should your business frequent?
  • What type of social media activity does Google favor?
  • What are the most popular things to post? How does social media affect your SEO? 

Please RSVP early as Mary's last presentation was packed!  Please respond to this email or call 904-710-1428 to reserve a seat.

Our meetings are open to anyone interested in staging or design. Realtors are especially welcome.

Cost of our meeting is $5 which is used to support our fundraising efforts and giving back to our community.  RESA Jacksonville chapter's annual membership is a bargain at $25!