~A little inspiration for anyone interested in Home Staging, Interior Redesign and Personal Motivation~ www.stagehappy.com website

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Magic Wanda Makes an Appearance

 Women seem to frequently put their wants and needs on the back burner and sacrifice their dreams for a more convenient time. We seem to tolerate disorganization and sometimes chaos in our life to meet the demands of work and family. Take a minute today and do something for yourself that will cause you to move toward that goal of excellence in every area of your life.

Suggestions---Clean out your make-up drawer, buy a book about getting organized, buy flowers for your kitchen or bathroom. Sometimes one little action in the right direction leads to another, and then another. Transformation begins with one small step.

I just finished reading The Compound Effect by Daren Hardy. It suggests that one or a few small steps toward our goals will make the next small steps easier and soon the momentum carries us off into the wild blue yonder of our dreams. 

It's true. I also recently read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, which has been on the non-fiction NYTimes Bestseller List for a long time. Last week, it was #1. Found it at Costco for $9. That was my sign from God that I needed to read it.

I started a small Goodwill box and soon my entire car was filled with clutter and clothes that don't fit anymore. It was insane! I couldn't stop. Old accessories and ratty towels are "outta here." Whew! I am so happy! 

It all started with one little choice. Then my inner organizer, who shows up maybe twice a year, popped out of the closet. I call her Magic Wanda. Insanity for a day then I'm done.

I do need to redo the pantry and closets, but alas, Magic Wanda has disappeared till next time. I wonder if that happens to Martha Stewart.

Get one or both of these books for a little late summer motivation. Godspeed in your endeavors to keep moving in the right direction.

 Your home is an extension of your heart. It represents your personal statement to the world and to yourself. When we fill our lives with things that uplift us, we become a product of that environment. Having an organized and beautiful home is about honoring the very important person who lives there...YOU.  

 I am so grateful for those of you who take the time to read the newsletter. You are truly good friends. Have a beautiful day.