~A little inspiration for anyone interested in Home Staging, Interior Redesign and Personal Motivation~ www.stagehappy.com website

Monday, November 30, 2015

Online Class Sale

Christmas Candle

 *Big news! We are participating in the after Thanksgiving Cyber Sale. The online class is half-price for the next week or so. That is $375 total, instead of $750. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to get started in home staging and interior redesign before the end of the year. When you pay the $300 deposit, only $75 remains as the balance. As soon as you pay the deposit, your materials will go out within 24 hours.  Happy Dance!!

*Also, if you live anywhere near Jacksonville, you need to join us for the RESA, the Real Estate Staging Association, meeting at Pottery Barn in the Town Center. They are opening the store early at 9 AM just for us. No parking issues that early!!! The presentation will be on holiday decorating, Pottery Barn style. Last year, they offered everyone the designer discount pricing on everything. WHOA!

Dec. 4th, 9:00AM - 10:00AM
4790 River City Dr., Jax. FL. 32246
RSVP to becky@beckyharmon.com.

Feel free to invite a friend. Anyone interested in home staging or redesign is welcome to join us.

*Last but not least, I am happy to announce that my former student, Kristy Anderson, of Dwell Home Staging has been recognized as one of the top 5 stagers in the country by the Redesign and Home Staging Association. She follows our marketing model of publishing a newsletter and staying active on social media. Even though she is relatively new, she has quickly risen to the top of the home staging industry in the Tampa, Florida area.

Congratulations, Kristy. So proud of you. I recommend that you sign up for Kristy's newsletter to see why she is rocking it in the staging world. www.dwellstaging.com 

We are planning a live conference call with Kristy soon to find out more about her success. 
By the way, the early 2016 classes are filling up fast. Let me know if you are interested. 
I am so grateful for those of you who take the time to read the newsletter. You are truly good friends. Have a beautiful day.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Who are your 5 Best Friends

Happy Fall, You All!!!

We just returned from a few days in the mountains for the leaf change. It always inspires me when I get a change of scenery. The artistic talent in and around the Asheville area amazes me. Artistic people seem to be drawn to each other. They mentor one another. They flourish and grow when surrounded by such beauty and talent. Is there something we can learn from them? 

Who are your mentors? Who is influencing your career? They say that your income will be the average of your 5 best friends. When I heard this years ago, I remember thinking, " I need new friends!!"

Seriously, I was fortunate to have been influenced by many encouraging people over the span of my business career.

         My Sisters (who are my mentors and friends)

Someone sent this wonderful quote to me many years ago when I wanted to give up my dream of small business ownership. It speaks to the importance of meeting with mentors and friends who are much further along in their journey than you are. 

"You are co-creator of my future; that which my eyes have not yet seen but my heart knows when it is seen.

You are a dream maker; an ambassador of beauty drawing forth that which flourishes in the depths of my heart but that which I quickly forget.

You are my permission to live in a space that supports my soul.

You are my soul sister, my soul brother who stands by me and for me to reveal my heart and wrap me in physical expression.

You are my voice that I've always wanted but didn't know the language to speak.

You are my courage to stay the course.

You are my angel, the "master connector" gathering the perfect materials and people to build my dream.

You hold super powers; "agent of dreams", "creative prodigy", "problem solving phenomenon", and "masterful Intuit" that make sense of what I'm saying and not saying creating something better than I ever imagined.

Although I looked together and tough, you noticed I was scared. Scared to stand in my highest Self. Scared that something or someone might hijack my most precious longings.

Thank you for seeing me without making a fuss. Thank you for taking my hand, for guiding me, for showing me, for teaching me, for leading me through this process and being gentle and patient with me on this journey to my awakening."

Thank you to Janice E., Janice M., John M., Mary B., Cyndi R., Susan D., Ann G., Sandra M., Judy S., and many others who offered encouragement along the way. You are the reason I am where I am today.

(I don't know where this passage originated but if you recognize the quote, I'd love to credit the author.)

By the way, the cute house I mentioned  in the last newsletter sold in 8 days for full price. Yay!! A happy investor is planning the next house. You can read about it in the blog, if you missed it. 
I am so grateful for those of you who take the time to read the newsletter. You are truly good friends. Have a beautiful day.